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30 Days of Coffee

March 1, 2015

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of coffee drinks.  I love to indulge in a warm mug of caffeinated awesome topped with frothy, foamy milk.  Fortunately, living in LA county there are endless options to get my fix.  Sometimes it even seems overwhelming to the point where I can’t even decide where to go.  That’s why I’ve decided to try a bunch of different coffee shops, coffee houses, and cafes and narrow it down to my faves.

For the next 30 days, I’ll be sharing my finds on what I think are some of LA’s best places for coffee.  Not only for coffee, but also atmosphere and accessibility (working at night can make it pretty hard to find coffee before work sometimes).  In addition to sharing my coffee finds, I thought it would be fun to share some coffee music as well.  I’ll throw in a weekly “coffee-themed” song for you lot to enjoy as well!  So let’s go!  This week’s coffee song is titled, well, “Coffee”, by Yuna.  It actually pairs well with the current rainy weather that’s going on outside.  It just puts you in a wind-down mood from a busy weekend (or week).  Even more enjoyable with a cup of the good stuff.  Enjoy!

And now, here’s my first coffee find.  Something close to home, both in location and name:

Day 1 – Jones Coffee Roasters

If it weren’t for the lot full of cars and the overflow on the street, you wouldn’t even notice that there was a place of business, let alone an espresso bar on the small lot at 693 S. Raymond Ave. in Pasadena.  It’s a well-known spot for locals and is becoming a destination for those a little further away.


I have much respect for any coffee house that roasts their beans in-house.  Jones, however, goes the extra mile and even grows their own beans in Guatemala!  They also create some great blends with Rose City inspired names such as the Pasadena Blend, the Gamble House Blend, and the Madison Blend from beans around the world and will ship them right to your home!  I have a friend who moved from Pasadena up to the Bay area, and she is forever grateful for this luxury!

Beans from Rowanda

Beans from Rwanda

One thing I like about the atmosphere at Jones is that there is always some type of featured art/artist decorating the walls.  Most of them are local artists too, which kind of gives me that city pride feeling.  There is a huge neon motel vacancy sign on the wall, and they always have a seasonal decor over the bar area.  Occasionally you can come to hear live music from some very talented artists/bands.  They also sell Guatemalan crafts, coffee accessories, and even offer workshops to improve your barista status.  It’s quite the unique little place!

The bar

The bar

Always made with love

Always made with love

So the next time you’re in the area (for a UCLA football game or if you’re one of the bazillion people in town for the New Years Day Rose Parade), come to Jones and taste what the locals are so thankful for!

Good from the first sip to the last drop...

Good from the first sip to the last drop…

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